Virtual Physiotherapy

Covid- 19 Response and Commitment

The commitment to deliver our occupational health solutions has never been greater and has never been challenged like this before. Our commitment is to ensure we deliver the continuity of care for your staff, especially during these times where the supply chain industry, food and convenience and manufacturing operations are at its most extreme, in-terms of resources, productivity and manual intensive exertions.

Moving forward, as we form part of the governments ‘essential’ services (under APHRA), we will continue to work onsite and provide our occupational health services as per normal whilst continuously taking guidance from the National Board, which provides us with a framework for services.

With this in mind, there will be a heightened commitment to health and safety and the following iterative approaches will be implemented nationally:

  1. All physiotherapists will report self temperature readings before entering the sites on a daily basis;
  2. All physiotherapists will adhere to the health and safety policy and guidelines of the organisation;
  3. Temperature readings of staff will be taken before treatment, taking guidance from the relevant site stakeholders;
  4. All physiotherapists will have a thorough cleaning and disinfection protocol to follow before and after every treatment.

Virtual Triage Physiotherapy

As part of our client family, it is our responsibility to continually add value to our existing services to ensure we guide you moving forward, not just for this present climate but also for the future. As such, we are pleased to announce that we have fast tracked our triage service, which is a digital virtual physiotherapy platform to ensure we address issues at the impact point of injury. By dialling into one of our physiotherapists, we can virtually analyse, assess, guide, provide treatment and educate staff in an offsite setting.

The initiative was originally developed as a new value add to provide real time feedback to our clients around the clock whilst we are not present and to avoid traditional methods of sending them to doctors and mitigating delays with recovery.

However, during the Covid-19 climate, we have trialled this service to sites where access has been limited and have found a profound impact in a proactive method.

The feedback received, is that the virtual physiotherapy service complements and adds a new dimension to achieve proactive impacts on staff through, assessment, education, exercise, strengthening and conditioning.

We will be excited to roll this for all our current and prospective sites to ensure we deliver the continuity of care for your staff, especially during these times where operations are at its most extreme, in-terms of resources, productivity and manual intensive exertions.


Access to a first aid or enclosed room that has laptop or computer with a camera to ensure visual communication


  1. Request an appointment with Strategic Health
  2. Once generated, Strategic Health will issue a link to click, that will direct the staff member to commence the virtual physiotherapy session
  3. No license or installation fees of a program is required (only download an app)
  4. Recordings can be sent to staff via email, regarding recommendations, treatments exercises etc
  5. All material will be reported on our digital platform and forms part of the medical services

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